
Do You Have What it Takes to Be a High Performer?

The Bailey Group | May 15, 2012 | Blog | Leadership/Other | 2 minute read

I have a not-so-well kept secret. I’m competitive. Therefore, whenever I’m asked a question that begins “Do you have what it takes….” it gets my energy flowing! I’ll bet your energy is flowing right now if you’re reading this! Before I tell you what it takes to be a High Performer, let me describe one for you:

A High Performer takes accountability for his or her goals and takes the actions needed to achieve them, either independently or with others. A High Performer consistently delivers results…without leaving a body count in the wake. He has enough relationship capital built up to take risks. She has – and shares – a well-informed point of view. A High Performer is committed to quality as well as efficiency. A High Performer is self-aware and self-managed – able to choose their response rather than react, particularly in high test situations and environments. A High Performer is politically astute, personally agile, and has enough business acumen to be dangerous. And he has the capability to think strategically and act tactically. Get the picture?

Find out how you measure up by answering the following:

1. I know what goals I am accountable to achieve this year and have plans in place to achieve them.
2. I have a strong track record for delivering measurable, sustainable results.
3. I take the time to build, nurture, and leverage key relationships inside and outside the organization.
4. I invest time in learning more about my domain of expertise and responsibility.
5. I am well versed in the standards of quality for my industry/product/service.
6. I am mindful of costs and resource expenditures when planning my actions.
7. I know myself well and have the emotional intelligence needed to choose my response in a given situation.
8. I know how things get done inside my organization and I can navigate political headwaters with savvy.
9. I keep up with news on the general business and economic climate.
10. I am able to envision, think and plan within both long range and immediate time frames.

Count up the number of questions you answered (truthfully) as True.

Scoring Key
9 -10  Over Achiever, bordering on perfection, at risk of not having a life outside of work
7-8  High Performer, has what it takes to consistently succeed
5-6  Strong Performer, sustains good performance
3-4  Borderline Performer, need to address problem areas soon
1-2  Time to throw in the towel or change careers

Results less than you’d expected? Contact The Bailey Group for information on Executive Coaching and related services, 763-545-5997.