
Leaders as Human

As humans, we may never become totally skilled and talented in everything leaders need to do and be. Accepting this in yourself and others demonstrates the courage, resilience, and humility required to be an effective leader.

Wellness for Companies and Executives

Reflecting on the past twelve months should give us a perspective of how much change and stress everyone has had to deal with on a consistent basis. While initially, energized (dealing with problem solving and getting remote working set up), the reality of blurring...

Will coaching help?

When everything you’ve tried to help someone change isn’t working, leaders often call us to see how we can help. Here are some questions to prepare for as we work through possible solutions.

Team Development in “The Real World”

Teams that are stuck in storming experience similar “symptoms” including strained interpersonal relationships, recurring conflicts, and difficulty making decisions that “stick”. Team leaders often diagnose these problems as a “lack of trust”. Unfortunately, while there may be an element of truth in this diagnosis, focusing on trust usually won’t solve the problem.

It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts

The above quote is credited to the late UCLA basketball coach John Wooden and was made famous as the title of the late Baltimore Orioles manager Earl Weaver’s 1982 biography. Both were extremely successful at their respective crafts. Producing not only winning teams...