
An Aligned Team Trumps the Alternative! (pun intended)

by Bill Lundberg | Aug 11, 2017

If you’ve been paying attention to the national news, it is apparent that every CEO needs an aligned executive team to accomplish their objectives. The newswires have been dominated with stories Team Alignmentof our country’s top team being anything but aligned; this doesn’t give me a high level of confidence in them or our near-term future.

Speaking from personal experience having run a few companies, the difference between having an aligned team versus a team in disagreement and conflict is like night and day. When your team isn’t aligned, you have 2 options:

  • Do nothing and live with the consequences
  • Take action to get your team united and reap the benefits

I have been fortunate to have consulted with numerous Executive Leadership Teams as well as a Board of Directors this year. In each case the company has been performing well to extremely well. In fact, one company is setting new records for revenues and another is nearly overwhelmed by demand for its new products and services.

Why do successful CEOs hire a CEO Advisor to align their executive leadership teams?

  • Great performance isn’t guaranteed and it takes ongoing effort to sustain success and growth
  • Good leaders strive to be great leaders; great leaders don’t rest on their laurels
  • Teams are dynamic – challenges or other changes in circumstance can cause even the best teams to start over in terms of alignment and performance

At The Bailey Group, we partner with CEOs to ensure that they and their executive teams are aligned on vision, strategy and culture. We work with them to build mutually trusting relationships, identify priorities for team alignment and provide the tools to help them get there.

Our proven process ensures the executive team is united with the CEO and each other, and everyone is leading at their personal best. Thus, transformation begins to take hold and cascade through the organization.

If you hunger for trust and alignment with your executive team, please contact us to schedule time to discuss the value we at The Bailey Group can bring to your organization.


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