
Fear of Extinction or the Excitement of Potential?

Leigh Bailey | February 24, 2015 | Blog | CEO Advisory | 1 minute read

amphibiousfishIn a recent leadership team meeting, we engaged in a conversation about what emotions drive CEOs leading transformation. In an attempt to be humorous, I suggested that we all imagine ourselves as the first amphibious fish climbing from the primordial ooze to live on dry land. Now that’s a transformation!

We tried to empathize with what emotions that amphibious fish might have felt. For sure, there had to be fear. Can you imagine the thoughts running through that first amphibian’s mind? What if the lungs that suddenly sprouted quit working? What if that strange creature I see decides to have me for lunch? Damn, it’s hot… I miss the cool water I used to hang out in!

On the other hand, the potential also had to be both exciting and overwhelming. A whole new existence was possible. New sources of sustenance were suddenly at hand. The potential for new relationships were endless. And who knew… maybe another cute amphibian might be hanging around to start a new life with!

OK, we all had a good laugh. But the conversation was a serious one. CEOs face daunting challenges.

A stark truth is that nearly 40% of newly hired CEOs are fired within their first 18 months. Another stark truth is that only between 25-30% of all organizational transformations succeed. Those are not great odds.

On the other hand, the rewards for success are phenomenal: Year after year of beating revenue projections; 90th percentile and higher on employee engagement scores; new and innovative services for delighting clients; supportive and rewarding relationships with team members.

Our clients have achieved these types of results and more. And through our partnership with our clients, we have developed with them approaches that make these results achievable and replicable.

If you are in the throes of transformation and perhaps despairing of ever getting the results you want (or fear running out of “oxygen” or being eaten by unfamiliar competitors), give us a call. It is our passion to help you to move from fear to possibility.