
Getting Your Head Around Organizational Transformation

The Bailey Group | August 13, 2014 | Blog | Business Transformation/Change Management | 2 minute read

The Bailey Group has been working to refine our business model and value proposition to be more explicit about the connection between leadership and team effectiveness and organizational transformation. In the process of doing so, I realized that I needed to get my head around what we really mean by “organizational transformation” in order to contribute to these efforts.

As an ISTJ (Introverted-Sensing-Thinking-Judging) on the Myers Briggs, I tend to be pretty linear in my thinking and I don’t do well with vague concepts.  I love process – clearly defined steps that culminate in a specific outcome.  So I asked my colleagues to describe organizational transformation to me in terms of process.  Here’s what I learned:

Organizational transformation begins with the realization that the status quo is unacceptable. That some kind of change is needed to move the organization forward, accelerate growth, or keep the business afloat.

The next step is to cast the vision of what the future must look like. If we are here now, where must we be in 3-5 years?

Following vision is strategy.  What are the specific strategies – initiatives and actions – that will enable us to realize our vision?

Next is culture.  What are the cultural attributes and values that will sustain our future vision?  What changes need to happen to embody them?

Alongside these steps is the process of building cohesion around the transformation, beginning with the Executive Leadership Team and following with the Senior Leadership team. This is followed by an intentional effort to enroll and engage the rest of the organization in the transformation.

Need help getting your head around how to transform your organization?  Contact The Bailey Group at 763-545-5997.