
Change Is Constant…So Why Is It Still Hard To Do?

The Bailey Group | March 18, 2014 | Blog | Business Transformation/Change Management | 2 minute read

change-4-1imepycFor the next month, I’m detoxing to change my relationship with sugar.  Since detoxing involves altering my behavior, and I work with executive leaders who champion change to achieve different outcomes, it got me to thinking about the art of change, its persistent presence and why it’s still hard to do even though it’s constant. 

It used to take 21 days to form a habit, but more recent research says to really make a new action stick, it’s at least 66 days (guess I’ll actually be detoxing for more than two months).  The key is repetitive behavior of a different activity to replace the old activity until it becomes natural.  In other words, it takes consistent, focused, deliberative action, and time, to make change stick.

Changing minds, mindsets, and behaviors requires both doing and thinking differently in order to get a desired outcome.  Whether it’s changing company culture, a shift in business focus, executing strategy amidst fluctuating external factors, eating differently, or enrolling in insurance through the Affordable Care Act, a consistent shift in our awareness, thoughts, and actions needs to happen for real change to occur.

Here’s why change is hard, necessary and doable:

Change is hard – We are creatures of habit and we’re not always very aware. Our habits can keep us from reaching our full potential, and hurt our personal and professional relationships.  Change requires examining behaviors, acknowledging which behaviors might be impeding results wanted, and committing to doing things differently for an extended period of time to get a desired outcome.  Desire, discipline, and focus help.

Change is necessary – Change is how we grow and develop as individuals, teams, and organizations.  If the way we’re leading, conducting business, or being isn’t providing a desired end result, then different behavior is necessary.  Self-awareness and commitment to individual effectiveness are key components getting us where we want to go.  Doing the same things the same way and expecting different outcomes is…well, you know.

Change is doable – The good news is we are also adaptable.  We have it in us to change and we tend to be more open to change when something is no longer working for us.  When our actions are no longer producing a desired result and there’s some kind of pain, we are more willing to look at doing things differently.  Our values, attitudes, and behaviors are 50% genetic and familial, and 50% learned over time meaning our behavior is not completely preconditioned.  We can change.

The Bailey Group works with CEOs and Executive Leadership teams on increasing individual and team effectiveness for organizational excellence.  We support making change possible and practice what we advise.  I’ll be here detoxing if you want to chat.