An Aligned Team Trumps the Alternative! (pun intended)
If you’ve been paying attention to the national news, it is apparent that every CEO needs an aligned executive team to accomplish their objectives. The newswires have been dominated…
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The End of Bad Executive Team Meetings
My client, CEO of a large financial services firm, drummed his fingers on the table and looked out the window. It was beautiful outside, the first warm and sunny day of spring. Inside, the fourth PowerPoint…
Hey, CEO – Is Your Team Rowing in the Same Direction?
As a CEO, you may be tempted to believe that your Executive Team is a well-oiled, high performing machine. After all, you had significant influence on its membership, whether having hired everyone or at least vetted…
Your Executive Leadership Team Meetings Suck—Now What?
Call me an egomaniac but I have never attended a well-run executive leadership team meeting that I didn’t facilitate. And the reason is not because I am such a brilliant facilitator. No, the reason is because most CEOs and executive leadership teams are not even marginally skilled at the basics of facilitating a productive, worth-the-time […]
Do You Have a Good Team?
Recently, my colleagues and I were engaging each other around our beliefs about team development. The Bailey Group has helped numerous teams “develop” over the years, but what does that really mean for our clients? How do you determine if you have a good team? And if improvement is needed, what do the leaders of […]
When Better Is Not Good Enough
I listened this week to a rebroadcast of a speech Lyndon Johnson gave to a joint session of congress when he proposed the voting rights act. The gist of his speech was that while things had gotten better for African Americans, they were still not good enough when it came to the right to vote. […]