CEO Coach Advisor

Confession: I am a CEO… and I have a Coach

Leigh Bailey | October 11, 2017 | Blog | CEO Advisory | 2 minute read
I meet with my coach on average twice per month. Three reasons:

  1. Her experience and insight on client, employee and personal situations are invaluable (she doesn’t make decisions for me, but acts as a sounding board and shares her experience).
  2. She reminds me of my strengths and helps me to stay accountable for managing my blind spots and de-railers.
  3. I enjoy and value these meetings as part of my personal development and self-care and am happier and more effective as a result.

Meeting with a coach puts me in the minority of CEOs and Executives. A study published by the Rock Center for Corporate Governance at the Stanford Graduate School of Business finds that “Nearly two-thirds of CEOs do not receive coaching or leadership advice from outside consultants or coaches, and almost half of senior executives are not receiving any either”. This despite the finding “that nearly 100% of CEOs in the survey responded that they actually enjoy the process of receiving coaching and leadership advice”.

CEOs have substantial impact, explaining as much as 29.2% of the variance in a firm’s performance according to research by Alison Mackey, Ph.D. This makes it vital for CEOs to be getting the best possible counsel, from outside, objective advisors and their board, to assure that they are performing at the highest level.

Wealth management providers lament that theirs is a service that is hard to understand and value until you have experienced it. CEO Advising (and Executive Coaching) faces a similar challenge that can be phrased this way: How do you know that CEO Advising will benefit you and your organization enough to warrant the investment of time and money?

One way to answer the question is purely economic: Does investment X generate X + Y in new revenue generated or expense saved? Research has generally found that this is difficult (though not impossible) to measure, though there is lots of anecdotal evidence that supports a yes answer. I am interested in systematically collecting more data from TBG clients about this in 2018.

The other is qualitative research (asking clients how they benefit from CEO Advising). We recently completed a study with TBG clients and reported the results on TBG’s website.

The Bailey Group wants to make it as easy and low risk as possible for CEOs and executives to experience the benefits (and enjoyment) that flow from working with a CEO Advisor (or executive coach). We offer a complimentary no obligation consultation so you can experience a “taste” of coaching for yourself. TBG will also introduce new products in 2018 to make CEO Advising and team development services even more accessible.

For now, I will continue to enjoy and benefit from my bi-weekly meetings with my coach. And, to paraphrase an old commercial, if you try working with a CEO Advisor you will almost certainly like it (and have one of the most powerful development experiences of your career).