
Popular or Effective. Pick One.

Having to make the choice between being popular and being effective is one reason why so many leaders are slow to make necessary changes to their leadership teams, even when the need is obvious.

Letting Go of the Status Quo

CEOs are often frustrated by their executive team’s lack of leadership ability and/or their capacity to take on new assignments. The solution often requires both bold decision making and taking action.

How to get the most out of your executive meeting

The best executive team meetings are those that maximize efficiency while producing actionable items and inspiring your leaders to keep driving your organization forward. Shockingly, many meeting organizers seem not to understand this. Executive meetings often lack...

Satisfying the Authentic Self

Leaders who are driven by the need to impress or compete with others may find their work increasingly less meaningful. Conversely, leaders who are “inner directed” are able to set a direction for the organization based on their authentic values and experience. This “inner directedness” is where the courage to act in the face of criticism and self-doubt comes from.

Be Fearless: Commit to a Growth Mindset

When faced with a problem that seems too hard to solve, leading-edge executives and coaching practitioners replace fear with a “growth mindset.” It is not about how much you know. It is instead about how committed you are to learn and grow on a continual basis.