
A Results Orientation

Both executive coaches and financial planners help clients to make high quality decisions in service of their long-term goals, and to avoid some of the thinking errors humans are prone to make on their own.

Understanding Human Behavior

At The Bailey Group, we recognize the importance of scientifically, not just intuitively, understanding human beings. We use tools that more accurately and predictably help us understand human beings, and it is precisely this knowledge that we bring to coaching.

Leading Your All-Star Team

Every day has the potential to be an All-Star Game for leaders in organizations. At any point in time you have a team of players – some you have inherited and some you have chosen.

Do You Have What it Takes to Be a High Performer?

I have a not-so-well kept secret. I’m competitive. Therefore, whenever I’m asked a question that begins “Do you have what it takes….” it gets my energy flowing! I’ll bet your energy is flowing right now if you’re reading this! Before I tell you what it takes to be a...

If You Can’t Beat ‘Em…Join ‘Em

My turn for the blog again…which means Leigh is either out of town or enjoying this sunny weather “course-side” (read: golf). I was glad to have the opportunity to blog this week as I’ve been considering an interesting workplace dynamic lately and wanted to share with...