
Leadership Matters

Great leaders combine competence and character to rise and meet seemingly insurmountable challenges. Competencies can be taught. Character, on the other hand, must be developed.

The Biology Behind Bias

According to the latest brain research, working through personality differences is a biological, not just a psychological, challenge.  The unconscious part of our brain is evolutionarily wired to prefer people who are similar to us, regardless of whether or not our...

More on Hidden Talents; Hidden Liabilities: How to Better Predict Leadership Strengths and Downsides

Research studies have identified what great leaders do (behaviors/competencies) and who they must be (personality characteristics). ALL these characteristics and competencies are rooted in personality and the basic tendencies toward or away from these are in place long before individuals even become leaders.  The good news is that there are tools available which can provide objective data about whether an individual has a natural tendency toward or away from these competencies and characteristics.