
Organizations Don’t Change, People Do

Leigh Bailey discusses the importance of the people side in leading organizational transformation. Specifically, leaders need to understand how their behavior impacts the success (or failure) of achieving significant change.

Foundational Leadership Principles

On Induction Day at the Naval Academy our Superintendent spoke to us about three things that have become the bedrock of a leadership style I have tried to pass on throughout my career. Commitment, accountability, and the Honor Concept.

Do You Have a Good Team?

Exceptional leaders know what makes good teams. They are purposeful in selecting team members who can accomplish what needs doing and can interact with others skillfully.

Airline Pilot or Fighter Pilot?

Most CEOs and leadership teams are not prepared to lead successful transformations. Like an airline pilot, who is trained for safety and consistency, business leaders are experienced at leading in stable environments. Organization transformation requires the skills of a fighter pilot – a leader who can make quick decisions, manage risk and innovate in the moment.

Leadership Matters

Great leaders combine competence and character to rise and meet seemingly insurmountable challenges. Competencies can be taught. Character, on the other hand, must be developed.

CEOs: Are You Under-Leading Your Organization?

  Why were you chosen as CEO for your organization? Where can you uniquely lead your organization that no other CEO can? If you can’t answer these questions, you are almost certainly under-leading your company. CEOs are chosen by their boards for a reason. There...