Interpersonal Trust
We all know that interpersonal trust in the workplace is critical; trust among colleagues, trust between a leader and their direct reports, trust between a leadership team and all employees. Once broken, can it be regained? Not easily but yes. Here is what I have found to be helpful. Individuals need time to process safely, […]
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What will your personal legacy be?
At our granddaughter’s recent high school graduation ceremony, one of the speakers talked about the future legacy for each of the graduating seniors. For them it was a look forward, and more of a “I will be” statement. But since you, like me, are likely well past high school, it might be a good time […]
Why Should Companies Invest in Executive Coaches?
I am often asked “what do executive coaches do?” Instead of trying to tell you what they do, I would rather tell you why companies invest in them. The short answer Executive coaches are most often invited into organizations for two reasons: To accelerate the development and impact of high potential leaders To prevent valuable […]
Top Ten List of “Temptations” You Must Overcome to be a LevelUP™ Leader
In Buddhism, there is said to be 108 defilements or unwholesome qualities of mind. To attain enlightenment, one must overcome all 108 defilements (temptations), a daunting task to be sure. You might wonder how Buddhists came up with 108 defilements. In Tibetan Buddhist teachings, we experience everything through our six(6) senses of sight, sound, taste, […]
Would you say that to a friend
The need for resilience has never been more important for leaders than it is now. It is not necessary to always feel brave, confident, competent, or certain when you are making decisions and charting new ground. You may well dread the reactions by some employees to an organizational policy. You may doubt if you can […]
WOW Your Board – 7 Tips
Does your Board want to hear what you have to say? As we move into bigger leadership roles in our organizations- whether it be for-profit or non-profit- one of the opportunities we will have is to make presentations to our Board of Directors. As I coach rising-star leaders I realize Board presentation is a skill that is rarely taught or coached. What can you do to learn this skill? Here are seven steps to consider and incorporate to improve your Board presentation skills.